A baby grows inside me
and with it a mother's love
Will it be a daughter who looks like me?
Or a son who takes after his father?
I felt my baby move today . . . Oh the glory!
Wondering, thinking of names
Playing the guessing games
Today God has taken my baby son
To have him grow inside me nine months and now to be gone
Without hearing him whimper
for not seeing him open his eyes, the Pain
Wanting to be dead to. To be with my son.
On my knees screaming, pulling at my hair
Help me! Help me for I cannot bare.
Falling to the floor crying myself into a troubled sleep
Jesus says," Stop your tears for your son walks with me
Your son wears wings of gold.
He is an angel in training to do mighty things.
Now rest my child and cry no longer
Have faith in me an one day you will be with my special angel.
Your son.

Paula Hardin

Mother Liberty

I was born 1884
My name is Mother Liberty
I hold in my hand The Declaration of Independence.
A chain that represented tyranny(unjust rules)
lies broken at my feet.
My children of America
stand behind me in pride, and Freedom.
You sneaked inside me home trying to destroy my family.
I have taught them well.
Even now you should quake in fear.
For what I gave them, No man can take away.
What you seem NOT to understand
What I gave them is not something you can steal
It's in their blood, In their Souls,
I gave them choice. I gave them America. I gave them Freedom.
In this you have failed to understand.
My children are ready once again to stand
for what they believe in.. Freedom.
Their mother stands Proud.
Me..Mother Liberty.

Paula Hardin